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Who We Are


St. John’s Public School, Chennai, launched in June 2012 as the first “Flag-ship” school under St. John’s Rajakumar Education & Research Trust, is not just one more school but born to break new grounds and rediscover “the school”, the real school. This school is vastly different not only in its physical appearance, but in its very soul. Yes, it will be the soul of St. John’s Public School that distinguishes it from any other.

SJPS is the conceptual school born with a difference to experiment tested qualitative institutional practices; expose the real institutional values and to enrich dynamism in the constituents of a good school.

St. John’s Public School is the outcome of the bottled educational entrepreneurship of a enriched academician who has measured the length, breath and height of the epitome of ‘schools’ for the past 30 years as a Seasoned Teacher, Principal, Senior Principal and Dean.

SJPS is unique being the first school directly brought to the intellectual Chennai city by Dr. R. Kishore Kumar with a drive powered by his 30 years of exciting experience in the field of school education.

who we are

New Gen

A glance over the modern educational literature reveals that great changes are taking place as a result of recent innovations in the sphere of education. Now-a-days education lays great stress on an all-round development of the child. Two types of education have been recognized – one is the collective and the other individual. The modern education emphasizes more on the second one.

Learning by doing and learning by living have become the watch words of new education; the school now-a-days is not considered to be a place where information is imparted and the students get only a fraction of knowledge.

The education of a child depends largely upon his activities. It is not so important for a teacher to make a child learn the things he ought to know. What he should do is to inspire him to know those things by himself through constructive activities and experience.

New Outlook

Education is training and not telling. An all round development of the child is ideal of the new education. It calls for a balanced development of mind, body and soul. The necessary environment is created in the school to attain these objectives. The co-curricular activities in the new system of education have been given quite an important place. Now, the teaching of the three ‘R’s alone at the school is not considered sufficient. Recreation is the fourth ‘R’, and an equally important art, the arrangement for which by the school is as necessary as for the other three.

It is held that recreation is not the product of education, but education is the outcome of recreation. Extra curricular activities today have assumed the form of co-curricular activities and have become an integral part of our education. The teaching process today includes all such activities as related to the mental, physical and social development of the child.

New Education !

It is held that recreation is not the product of education, but education is the outcome of recreation. Extra curricular activities today have assumed the form of co-curricular activities and have become an integral part of our education. The teaching process today includes all such activities as related to the mental, physical and social development of the child.

To put it in plain words, the school should provide those facilities which the society needs and the society on its part should help the school create an environment needed for the full growth of a child’s personality.

We introduce to you the new-gen; new outlook “St. John’s Public School”, as a school with New School of Thoughts filled with inputs for New Education. Yes St. John’s Public School is not a school, but an educational society in miniature.