Accommodation Category: Kindergarten

from $0 per night


A school is a building that has four walls with tomorrow inside. This is because the destiny of man and mankind is shaped in the classrooms of the schools. What happens inside the classrooms today has a direct outcome on what happens outside in the world tomorrow. SJPS as a school for 21st century needs to make the holistic approach bringing past, present and future requirements and also to advocate the principles of the 4 Pillars of Education.

  •  Pillar 1 – Learning to know
  •  Pillar 2 – Learning to do
  •  Pillar 3 – Learning to Live together
  •  Pillar 4 – Learning to be

Maximum opportunities will be provided in the school to encourage initiative, self-reliance and leadership qualities. Special efforts will be made to identity any special ability and talent that the child may have.

The medium of instruction is English – English is the first language and official communicative language of the school.