Sports & Games
In order to ensure the development of the total personality of the students, the school provides ample opportunities to develop the physical and mental ability of the students and engage them in a wide variety of activities around the world of sports. All the major and minor games are taught to the children and students are made familiar with all the popular and standard games.
The school has well-planned, structured and scheduled sports activities round the academic year. The school engages professionally trained Physical Education Trainers (ladies & gents) to support the on-going sports activities in school. Cricket; Basketball; Table Tennis and Shuttle will be facilitated as Out-door games. Table-Tennis; Carom; Chess and Physical Fitness will be facilitated as Indoor games. Intramural Games & Sports Day will be the annual features of the school.
Physical Education (Theory & Practical) Classes will be within the curriculum and will be conducted as per the class time tables.