Innovative Practices of Teaching AT SJPS

Innovative Practices of Teaching AT SJPS

by admin

St. John’s Public School can rightly claim to be an innovative school. An innovative school is one that approaches education from a new perspective: a school that sets high standards for students and staff alike.

Innovation has improved productivity, it has meant changing the existing model and adapting changes to impact better education . The innovative has led the teachers and students to explore, research and use available resources to find something new. Thus it has worked to improve the level of thinking and analysis of the students and teachers as well .Following are the practices that have made the classrooms of SJPS interesting and interactive inducing in the students an imagination to innovate further:

1. Audio video Tool : Every classroom has a mart board with built in lesson module as per the CBSE syllabus. There are tools available in it that facilitate teachers to prepare lesson plan in the module format. They can also add videos, documentaries etc. to support their explanation thus making an effective supplement for the text book lessons.

2. Seminar/PPT Presentation/Slide show etc are the different technology involving practices that the students are made to present that the students are made to present in order for them to improve their comprehension and application thus making students to use technology to empower selves and transform to life-long learners.

3. Story board Teaching and Puppet : Story board teaching is an effective teaching technique in the kindergarten and primary classes. This eases those processes of teaching which involves step by step memorization.

This teaching strategy helps the students to track the main idea and the surrounding details . Story board also helps in visualizing highly conceptual ideas such as of life science and computer science Puppet is also a teaching tool mostly used in the preprimary classes .

Other practices include : Role Play : This model helps in the development of the students as it help to build confidence, creativity, communicative skill and problem solving skill . The teachers must clarify the expectation to develop the achievable goals.

Picture talk : Using a picture; questions are Posed to focus a group discussion. Discussion thus provides an area for collaboration and exchange if ideas Case study This model combines two elements the case itself and discussion of the case this helps in

Puzzles : This is a cooperative learning technique which promotes team work and mental agility . Mental math. This practice is used to improve the ability of estimation through the usage of basic arithmetic tools Debate: Classroom debates can nurture rational thinking, citizenship, manners , organization of thought persuasion and public speaking. Homework’s are given URL link- based and from the “Young World “of Newspaper.

Most of the homework is research based inducing in students the Urge to acquire knowledge. The Labs of Science, Math and English & Comp Science make way to experiment, calculate and compute better. The art of listening and speaking is bettered at the English lab .

Art Integrated Learning : This ensures that teaching can be supported by the art and made interesting for the student.

Study Trip :This is another form of out of the classroom teaching /learning wherein the students visit a place observe and record the knowledge accumulated. These trips come in handy on increasing their life skill and provides exposure to real life learning .The real life learning is them tested in the Assessments through Value Based Question which further their analytical skills and provides them an opportunity to express their rationale .

Remedial Classes : Guided learning is provided to the students whose academic performance is lacking and need help and individual attention to improve their academic performance this practice help the senior school students specially to map their abilities and focus for better. Thus all these practices add to the factor of providing education to students which is not just for survival but instead to live a life that is qualitative and beneficial to the world community

Mental math. This practice is used to improve the ability of estimation through the usage of basic arithmetic tools
Debate: Classroom debates can nurture rational thinking, citizenship, manners , organization of thought persuasion and public speaking.
Homework’s are given URL link- based and from the “Young World “of Newspaper. Most of the homework is research based inducing in students the Urge to acquire knowledge.

The Labs of Science, Math and English & Comp Science make way to experiment, calculate and compute better. The art of listening and speaking is bettered at the English lab .
Art Integrated Learning : This ensures that teaching can be supported by the art and made interesting for the student.

Study Trip :This is another form of out of the classroom teaching /learning wherein the students visit a place observe and record the knowledge accumulated. These trips come in handy on increasing their life skill and provides exposure to real life learning .The real life learning is them tested in the Assessments through Value Based Question which further their analytical skills and provides them an opportunity to express their rationale .

Remedial Classes :
Guided learning is provided to the students whose academic performance is lacking and need help and individual attention to improve their academic performance this practice help the senior school students specially to map their abilities and focus for better.
Thus all these practices add to the factor of providing education to students which is not just for survival but instead to live a life that is qualitative and beneficial to the world community

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